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How will I approach the 2024 election?


How I decide on who gets my vote in 2024 (same as I have before)


For a decision on who should be the most powerful leader in the free world, I will vote for the one I believe has the best leadership qualities. I am, and will always be, an Independent voter. I also am not looking for a political debate, this is a vlog on leadership.


I have spent most of my life studying leaders and teaching leadership courses. This doesn’t make me an expert. It does give me knowledge on what generally and historically it takes to be successful in a leadership role.


When you used to go on a tour of the White House, a loudspeaker played a taped message. “Welcome to the White House, the President and First Lady are pleased to share it with you.”


Is there something wrong with that statement?

Isn’t it we, the Citizens of the United States, who are pleased to share it with the (insert current President) for a few years? All employees grant their respective bosses certain temporary, limited power, in the hope of accomplishing more as a group than they could individually.


“Power is given to you by others. It is not yours; it is in trust with you and is a great responsibility. Power is used for the benefit of those who’s trustee you are.” Keshavan Nair


This is known as “Servant Leadership”, and that is what I want in my leader.


Before we go any further, I would like to define a leader as -

One who others would come to follow. We can assume the leadership role voluntarily, forcefully, or simply because of a choice we made. So, becoming a leader can be easily done. Keeping that in mind, I would like to focus this blog on effective leaders.


After interviewing several leaders from various demographics, they claimed that the essential qualities an effective leader must possess are:


1.     Treating people with respect

2.     Having integrity

3.     Being a motivator

4.     Versatility in communication (the ability to communicate well with all behavioral styles)

5.     Being a good listener

6.     An attitude of confidence (not an egomaniac)

7.     Being focused (based on values, not goals)

8.     Having self- awareness


These are the qualities I will rate each candidate on, and based on my perspective choose the candidate I feel would be most worthy of this vital role. We all have a right to our own perspectives and to place our vote accordingly.  I want to leave you with my favorite leadership quote from a past president.


Dwight D. Eisenhower (34th president of the U.S.)-

 “We don’t lead people by hitting them over the head, that’s assault.”


So, choose wisely and please use your right to vote.

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